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Miễn phí vận chuyển đơn hàng từ 1,100,000vnđ thông tin chi tiết Nhập mã BULK2% giảm 2% cho đơn hàng từ 2 sản phẩm
Miễn phí vận chuyển đơn hàng từ 1,100,000vnđ thông tin chi tiết Nhập mã BULK2% giảm 2% cho đơn hàng từ 2 sản phẩm

face mapping skin analysis

face mapping skin analysis

Face Mapping® is a complimentary service we offer to help you realize your skin goals and find products that will truly work for you. Combining Eastern and Western philosophies, Face Mapping® involves looking at your skin with a trained eye, touching your skin and asking you questions about your lifestyle and environment.

Your Face Mapping® reveals your true skin type and possible underlying causes of skin conditions you might have such as breakout activity, dehydration, sensitivity and/or uneven skin tone. These insights drive the recommendations we make in your personalized Skin Fitness Plan.

Every Face Mapping® takes several minutes and is conducted by a qualified Dermalogica skin care professional at one of our Concept Spaces, or at an authorized salon or spa.

Find a location to receive a free Face Mapping® skin analysis.

Get a personalized skin analysis online.

Bài viết trước Làn da sáng ngời với cách phục hồi da non hiệu quả sau peel

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* Phần bắt buộc
