Skin allergies and itching will make you feel uncomfortable. Not only that, you need to take care of your skin according to a special regimen to help your skin recover quickly. So what causes skin irritation? What to do if you have skin allergies? Let's explore together in the article below from Dermalogica!
Causes of skin allergies

1 - Due to contact with tree sap
Some plants have sap that causes irritation when in contact with the skin. Such as poison ivy, poison oak, and poison sumac. Their sap contains an oil called urushiol. And if that substance gets on your skin, it causes an itchy red rash. Accompanied by blisters.
2 - Due to allergy to Nickel
Nickel is a commonly used substance. From jewelry to belts, eyeglass frames and paper clips. Therefore, it is the leading cause of skin allergies. Many of you will be allergic to Nickel when regularly exposed to it.
If you are wondering how to identify the signs of skin allergies? A common symptom of an allergy to Nickel is pimples on the fingers. This condition is called atopic eczema.
3 - Due to allergy to rubber
Rubber tree sap is mixed with chemicals and used to create products such as:
- Rubber gloves.
- Condom.
- Elastic waistband and bra.
- Balloon.
Your allergies are likely mild. For example, a rash on your hands when you take off your gloves. In other cases, you may have a serious reaction. This symptom is called anaphylactic shock. It can quickly cause a rash all over the body. It also makes it hard to breathe.
4 - Due to dyes on clothes
You may get a rash after wearing a shirt or trying on a new outfit. Additionally, a rash may appear on your feet when you wear certain types of shoes or socks.
What should you do if you don't know the cause of your skin allergy? Dyes are one of the factors that cause skin reactions. Or other chemicals used to treat fabrics can also cause allergies. For example, making fabric wrinkle-resistant.
5 - Due to preservatives in cosmetics
Chemicals like formaldehyde and parabens will make beauty products last longer. You'll see them on labels with names like bromo nitropropane, isothiazolinone, and quaternium-15. These ingredients are found in:
- Shampoo and Conditioner
- Sunscreen
- Moisturizer
- Makeup cosmetics
- Hair dye
6 - Due to artificial flavors
Many people wonder what to do if they cannot identify the cause of skin allergies. In fact, fragrance in clear cosmetics is also a cause of irritation to your skin.
Artificial fragrance is a very important ingredient in perfumes and deodorants. Additionally, they are also added to facial cleansers and bath soaps. Sometimes it will be difficult to identify the fragrance that causes skin allergies. Because detailed ingredients are not always fully listed on the label.
7 - Due to side effects of medication
Some medications will cause side effects and make your skin susceptible to irritation. Such as medicines to treat burns, itching, insect bites, toothaches and cough medicine.
8 - Due to ultraviolet rays
If you have used certain products on your skin. Then go out in the sun or use a tanning bed. You may get a rash or hives. Some ingredients only cause reactions due to UV rays from the sun.
What to do if you have skin allergies?

Avoid exposure to allergens
Dermatologists recommend staying away from allergens. For example, nickel, tree resin, rubber, products with artificial fragrance... This will help you limit skin irritation and damage.
Bath with oatmeal
Oatmeal can soothe inflamed skin and skin rashes. However, this method is not always completely effective. So, try it first with warm water and a small amount of oatmeal. In addition, you also need to be careful to avoid mixing oatmeal with water that is too hot. It can irritate and dry your skin.
Use anti-allergy skin cream
What to do if you have skin allergies? Another method you should try is using skin creams to treat allergies. You can use over-the-counter hydrocortisone or calamine skin cream to help relieve itching.
Take a cool shower
Applying a cool compress or taking a cool shower can help soothe skin irritation. After bathing, remember to use a soft towel to gently pat dry.
Wear loose clothing
Also remember to avoid wearing tight clothes. They can cause skin irritation and rashes. It's best to choose loose and cool clothes with breathable fabrics like cotton.
Hopefully this article helps readers answer questions about what to do if they have skin allergies. Clearly identifying the cause of allergies will help you treat your skin more easily. Dermalogica wishes readers to soon overcome this skin problem. If you have any questions about skin health? Please call Dermalogica's hotline 0911370011 for quick advice!