What step should I exfoliate my skin after? Why is it necessary to exfoliate?

nen tay da chet sau buoc nao

“If you want to have flawless skin, regular exfoliation is something you should not ignore” - Is this statement really accurate? What reasons do we need to exfoliate our skin? What step should I exfoliate my skin after? Let's answer questions related to exfoliation in this article Dermalogica ok

What is skin exfoliation?

Exfoliation is the process of removing dead skin cells that accumulate on the surface of the skin. By exfoliating, the old dead skin layer will be removed and replaced by new skin cells. Refer to more details on how to properly exfoliate your face at home .

Why do you need to exfoliate your skin?

According to natural mechanisms, after about 30 days the skin will remove dead cells to make room for new skin cells. However, in some cases, this dead skin layer will not fall off on its own. The buildup of dead skin creates dry, flaky patches. At the same time, the accumulation of dead cells combined with excess oil causes clogged pores. This is the main cause of acne on the skin.

Besides, the accumulation of dead cells on the skin surface reduces the absorption of nutrients from care products to the skin. Making the addition of moisturizing ingredients to the skin less effective.

These are the main reasons why we need to exfoliate our skin regularly. So what step should you exfoliate your skin after? The answer will be answered immediately after you read and understand the two types of physical and chemical exfoliation.

Is physical or chemical exfoliation better?

Exfoliating dead skin cells is divided into two types:

phan tich tay da chet vat ly va tay da chet hoa hoc, nen dung tay da chet nao

Physical exfoliation

Physical exfoliation is when we use products that contain fine particles. Thanks to the process of massaging the product on the skin, it creates friction, thereby removing dead cells. With physical exfoliation, you will be able to feel the effect after use. The skin will be tighter and softer after use. However, for some sensitive skin and inflamed acne skin, this method is not recommended. Small, fine particles during the massage process, if not careful, can scratch the skin surface and cause inflammation.

Chemical exfoliation

Chemical exfoliants will use active ingredients (usually acids). These acids help promote the division of skin cells. At the same time, these ingredients help dissolve the bond between new skin cells and dead skin. Makes them come off easily. 

Acids commonly used in chemical exfoliating products can include: BHA (Salicylic Acid), Lactic Acid, Glycolic Acid, Mandelic Acid...

Compared to physical exfoliants, chemical exfoliants are more appreciated. Because of its ability to remove dead cells and excess oil clogged deep in hair follicles. At the same time, it fights acne inflammation and promotes the formation of new skin cells. However, chemical exfoliants often cause dry skin and you will not be able to notice the effect after only 1-2 uses.

Which step should I exfoliate after?

Which step should I exfoliate after? This is also a question that many of you have sent to me Dermalogica. You should exfoliate after cleansing your skin twice. So why should you exfoliate after washing your face?

tay da chet sau buoc nao trong routine, cach tay da chet tai nha dung cach

Excess oil and dirt will reduce the exfoliating ability of the products. Therefore, we need to clean our skin twice which will help remove most of the dirt, bacteria, and excess oil on the skin's surface. At the same time, after the cleaning process, pores will expand, creating conditions for exfoliating products to work more effectively. Thanks to this, the dead cell layer will be removed more easily.

Surely you already know the answer to the question: Which step should I exfoliate after? right? Refer to the article on how to exfoliate your body at home very simply through this article.

We cannot deny the effectiveness of exfoliation. However, after exfoliation, the skin will become thin and vulnerable to ultraviolet rays in sunlight. If you don't want your skin care efforts to go down the drain. Don't forget to use sunscreen of at least SPF35!

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