When you receive the goods, please carefully check the quality and condition of the goods delivered. Once you have accepted delivery of the goods, our warranty and return policy will no longer apply.

Please be aware that we have experienced instances of counterfeit or unauthentic products being delivered in place of the product originally shipped by us. Therefore please open the package and inspect the authenticity of the goods delivered prior to accepting delivery. If you find any evidence of counterfeit, unauthentic, damaged or otherwise defective products being delivered, then please call our Hotline: 0911370011

- For cash on delivery: If you detecting any signs of the goods being delivered being unauthentic, counterfeit, expired, missing quality guarantee seals or damaged due to transportation. Please do not accept delivery of the goods and do not pay the delivery staff.

- For the bank transfer: If detecting the goods are unauthentic, counterfeit, expired, no quality guarantee seals or damaged due to transportation … Please do not accept the goods. A product return form needs to be completed and signed by both customer and delivery staff to confirm the incident. The goods will be returned to us.

Return policy

Products can be returned within 1 month of the date of purchase, subject to proof of purchase.

No more than half of the product must have been consumed.

The product must be at least 3 months from the expiry.

Based on the returned goods meeting our return policy criteria we will exchange the product. If you do not want the product exchanged we will refund 100% of the amount paid for the product. We aim to process all requests for product exchanges and refunds within 7 workings days, if you have not received confirmation of the exchange or refund after 7 workings days please call our Hotline: 0911370011

We hope that the sales policy of the company will bring satisfaction and peace of mind when you buy.