What is the cause of dry, rough skin? How to effectively treat dry, rough skin

cham soc phuc hoi da bi kho san sui tai nha

Dry rough skin Commonly seen in many people. This skin does not distinguish between time, age or gender. When skin is dry, there are signs of cracking and peeling. You should find out the cause to take better care of your skin. But how to properly prevent and treat this condition? In this article, Dermalogica would like to analyze and introduce to readers the causes and treatments dry rough skin effectively. Hope you will love our content.

What is rough, dry skin? Symptoms of dry, rough skin?

Dry skin also known as xerosis, a term of Greek origin. This is skin that has lost its natural moisture. Therefore, the skin easily becomes dry, flaky, easily irritated and has many hidden acne. Specifically, when the epidermis under the skin is damaged, the bonds on the skin surface are cracked and broken. They are no longer seamless enough to prevent water loss from the dermis.

Dry, rough skin There are many different identifying signs but in general it is not smooth or soft. If not treated promptly, the skin will increasingly peel, develop deep cracks and quickly be attacked by aging. 

What causes rough dry skin?

tai sao da kho san sui, tim nguyen nhan khien da kho san sui

Impact from within

Due to genetics or skin diseases

Suffering from one of several skin diseases such as psoriasis, eczema, rosacea, psoriasis, yeast, etc. This is the cause of dry, rough and flaky facial skin. These diseases can originate from many factors such as genetics, environment, cosmetics, etc.


Did you know that our body is 64% water. Therefore, if we do not provide enough water for the body, dehydration will manifest on our skin first. Especially slowing down blood circulation makes the skin not be provided with enough oxygen and necessary nutrients. At this time, the skin will easily become dry, pale, and the ability to recover and regenerate is also slower. If you are experiencing dehydration and want to find an effective way to care for dehydrated skin . Find out more details with this article of ours.

Eating a lot of sweets, hot spicy foods or greasy foods are also causes dry rough skin. The skin will produce more sebum, pores will become larger, red pimples will appear as well as tiny lifeless nodules.


The skin contains many nerve endings that are in constant contact with the brain. This is why fear can lead to goosebumps, excitement can lead to sweating, and embarrassment can lead to hot cheeks. Therefore, stress can directly affect your skin health. It disrupts the skin's protective barrier and delays skin regeneration.

External impact

Using cosmetics incorrectly

Unknown ingredients

Lack of knowledge and experience about skin care cosmetics is the reason why you buy poor quality products. Not investing and carefully understanding the product's ingredients also risks causing skin allergies, rashes or other serious problems.

Not removing makeup thoroughly

Unclean makeup removal is one of the serious mistakes. Causes dirt and makeup to accumulate, producing sebum, causing skin inflammation. However, you should not overuse makeup removal. You will damage the dry, rough skin surface, lose moisture, causing roughness and dryness.

Use products with high detergent content

Using products with high detergents can weaken the skin's natural protective barrier. The skin is not only penetrated by chemicals but is also easily irritated by cosmetics even though it is not naturally sensitive.

Environmental and weather impacts

Environmental pollution and increasingly harsh climate are one of the leading risks dry rough skin. For example, in winter, the weather is often cold, dry and has low humidity. Therefore, the skin will sweat less and can no longer stretch anymore. The skin's epidermis will become thin, creating gaps in the outermost layer, allowing water to escape and irritants to enter.

A dry environment can be the cause of the itchy feeling, due to the inflammatory response that stimulates and releases Histamine. It can aggravate inflammatory skin diseases such as rosacea, eczema, psoriasis, etc. Pathologies that cause the skin to become increasingly dry, chapped and peeling.

How to care for dry, rough skin effectively

cach cham soc da kho san sui tai nha dung cach

#1 Exfoliate

  • Exfoliation helps remove dead cells and hair follicles to stimulate skin regeneration, preparing for the absorption of subsequent nutrients.
  • You should choose products containing both Alpha and beta Hydroxy acids to improve skin cell regeneration and speed up the process of peeling off dead skin cells. Creates an effective, painless regeneration process. At the same time, it adds moisture and softens the skin.

When choosing an exfoliant, knowing the ingredients is essential. If your skin is experiencing dryness and dehydration, you can use the Hydro Masque Exfoliant. Readers can consult a Dermalogica skin specialist to find the most suitable exfoliation solution.

#2 Moisturize dry skin


Masks from natural ingredients are considered a great savior to help quickly moisturize the skin, making the skin surface smooth and firm. You can make your own mask at home with familiar, easy-to-find ingredients such as butter, honey, coconut oil, yogurt, etc. And use it regularly at least once a week to clean and relax your skin. .

Check out which Dermalogica mask is right for you here.

Use toner, serum, and intensive moisturizer for dry, rough skin

Toner helps the skin absorb water and keep skin balance quickly. Toner helps clean some dead cells on the skin's surface. It returns the skin to its natural acidic state. In particular, with the effect of removing impurities from the skin, it will help the skin easily absorb subsequent skin care products.

Apply serum morning and night, after toner and before moisturizer. The result helps the skin reduce pigment imbalance, prevent and correct damage caused by free radicals.

Moisturizer helps restore elasticity and reverse signs of premature skin aging caused by light. Prevents moisture loss and natural damage from free radicals. Stimulates collagen production in dry skin and fades dark spots. Restores smooth, supple and fresh skin. Choose a cream with a light texture, containing natural ingredients, non-irritating. Which moisturizer should you invest in your skin care routine ? Dermalogica will analyze it in the most detailed way for you.

#3 Nutrition

In addition to moisturizing, you need to maintain the habit of drinking 8 glasses of water a day. Combine a scientific water drinking schedule to maximize the benefits of water. What vitamins should people with dry skin take ? You can find out more details here.

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In addition, you need to build yourself a scientific and nutritious diet. Meals must ensure there are lots of green vegetables and fruits. Priority should be given to supplementing foods rich in vitamin A, vitamin C, vitamin E, and good fats to help strengthen the skin's resistance and prevent dry, chapped skin.

Stay away from alcohol, tobacco and stimulants that are not good for the skin. Get enough sleep, don't stay up late, control stress and avoid working too tired.

Through the above analysis, you have surely learned the causes and treatments that are suitable for you to improve the condition of dry, rough skin. Love your skin and always take good care of it. If you have any problems, contact a Dermalogica skin therapist who will be happy to answer all your questions.

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